Week and Day: 28 weeks and 1 day
Belly button in or out: still in and it's line instead of a circle now
Wedding rings on or off: on still no change
Food cravings: I've been eating alot of ice cream lately
Food aversion: I havent really been aversed to anything either
Nausea: No more nausea however i have had heartburn
Energy level: tiredness is a constant state of life now
Weight gain: At my last drs appt, I had only gained a pound since the last appt. So now i'm up to 13 pounds
Mood: I havent had any mood swings lately, I think it's because i'm so exhausted all the time.
Maternity clothes: I'm holding on to one pair of regular pants, all the rest are maternity pants. I go back and forth on the shirts bc i can still fit into regular shirts. Dresses are also comfortable. Funny statement that I said to my mom "I cant wait until I can wear normal clothes again." I looked down and everything I was wearing was part of my "normal" clothes. oops :)
Size of the baby:Luke is now the size of a eggplant and weighs about 2lbs and 3oz. That's crazy how someone so little is in my stomach but seems so big to think about it.
Changes in baby: Luke is kicking and punching and jabbing and playing all day in my tummy. If this is any indication of what he is going to be like outside the womb, then me and steven are doomed.
Other: I am in my last week of 6 months. I have several showers scheduled in the coming weeks which is so exciting. It's so nerve racking registering for everything b/c you dont know what luke will like or dislike. I wish he came with a manual that said "your child WILL breastfeed, stay in newborn outfits for "this" long and for the first 6 months of life will sleep at these hours". And even though i'm not the first mother in the world, this is the first time I will be a mother and it's very scary.