Thursday, November 12, 2009

where am I going?

Do you ever feel like sometimes your life in just spiraling out of control? Well that's how I feel in this moment. I want the Lord's will for my life. It's just that I dont have the slightest clue of what that is. I am currently reading through Numbers right now and the Isrealites keep saying to Moses "why have you brought us out here to die?" Then the Lord will say to Moses, "Go hit that rock and water will come out and they wont be thirsty anymore". Then the Lord says "For I am the Lord" (of course all that is a paraphrase) :) God knows what is best for my life and I just have to follow his lead because he wont let me "die".

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's been a while....

Steven and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on August 2. We went to virginia and biked the creeper trail. It was so much fun. 17 miles of wonderful views.

Then two days later I finished school. Praise God!!!
That next weekend, we went to Gatlinburg to spend some time with his parents. What we didnt know was that Steven's brother, sister in law and nephew were coming as well. They surprised us. The look on our faces when we realized who they were was priceless.

Now I've started back to school by taking A&P 2 and Microbiology. I love micro however the test are oh so hard.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I can see the light....

I'm almost done with my first semester of school. Only 2 more years to go...ugh. I have basically been spending all my time studying. I love anatomy and physiology soooo much. I love getting to know just how the body works. Also how people can say there is no God just needs to take an anatomy class. For example, there is not very much separating the world from your spine or everything that is involved in unconsciously breathing. It's amazing how God created our bodies. :) I'm also almost done with nutrition...PRAISE GOD!!!! I am realizing that I dont like online classes. They are not for me. I dont have the discipline for it. I like to go into class and interact with people and the teacher. Never again will I let someone talk me into taking an online class.

In other news...only 11 more days till mine and stevens first anniversary :).Where has the time gone. It flies by too fast. Before we know, we will be married for 50 years. WOW that will crazy. We are going to Virginia to go bike riding. I cant wait!!!! Hopefully I'll take and post pictures..we'll see if that actually happens.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

My dad is the GREATEST!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Love ALWAYS protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres"

I had the honor of being in Anna Kates wedding this past Saturday. It so fun to watch someone marry the love of their life. Coming down the aisle, her and David were all smiles.


about an hour and a half away from ceremony time

Me and Anna

Me and Steven

Let's go CUBBIES...even though they lost

Last week was filled to the brim with stuff to do. I had a couple of tests to complete, a baseball game to go to with Steven and Anna Kates wedding. Needless to say it was all fun. :)

before the game

Steven and I went to the cubs vs. braves game last Tuesday night. We had so much fun even though they lost. Before the game, we went to the outfield during batting practice to see if we could catch a ball. Lo and behold, Steven caught one off of Milton Bradley. We were super excited about that and thought we'd be happy with just that one ball. So we head to our seats on the third base line and during the 4th inning chipper jones hit a foul ball!!!! Who did it come to? STEVEN!!!!! That's two balls in one game. CRAZY

after the game

Thursday, May 28, 2009


So Steven and I went running(i walked) and this dog started to follow me. No matter where I went or how fast I went, he was there right under my feet. Steven and I then went to the nearest house, knowing that they had dogs, and asked them if he was theirs. The guy said nope, so we proceeded home. He followed. So now we have a dog at our back door. Tomorrow morning i'm going to take him to the local animal hospital. I just hope he gets taken care of and not forgotten. We named him SIRS b/c we kept saying "come on sir" :) I'm already attached.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The arm bone's connected to the shoulder bone

Today I started school. After being out of school for 3 years, i'm now back.

Today did not start off real well. As I was about to leave I thought that I would check my school email. Much to my dismay, there was one from my teacher. She wanted us to print off the syllabus, sign it and bring it to class. Well i thought ok, no problem. I go thru the steps to print it off and WHAT!?!???!! My computer says the program does not exist. OH MY GOSH i'm going to be late on the first day of school. That's a good first impression for ya. I keep trying with no luck, so i head on to school. I was sooooo mad. So I get there and about 5 other people hadnt printed it off either so i was safe.
The lecture is pretty boring but it's going to goes real fast. The lab however was a different story. I ended up working with a girl that (poor thing) knew NOTHING about the human body. We were given a body cavity to take all the parts out and identify them. The funny part comes when she goes to put the thing back together. BTW, we had a female. She ends up putting the uterus, rectum and urethra all upside down. Then she put the heart in upside down and when i tried to correct her she said "I know how to do it". So I stepped back and watched in amazement. She had know idea of what went where. I think at one point she called the liver the lung. These people are the future nurses of America. LOL


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I just wanted to say that I have the GREATEST Mother in the world!!!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mr. Darcy....

I'm just sitting here watching pride and prejudice and wondering if I was born in the wrong century. I wish that we all still talked that way. So eloquent. It would also be neat if we still bowed to each other. Maybe its just the way they use the lighting in every shot that is just sooooo picturesque. However you want to look at it, it would have been really cool to live in that time period. Thanks Lauren for getting me hooked. :) And now a parting line....

surely you must know that it was all for have bewitched me body and soul and i love, i love, and i love you and i never wish to be parted from you this day forward--Mr. Darcy

when do you want to call you Mrs Darcy?--Mr. Darcy

only when you are completely and perfectly and incandescently in love--Elizabeth Bennet

How are you this evening....Mrs. Darcy(kiss), Mrs. Darcy(kiss), Mrs. Darcy(kiss)--Mr. Darcy

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Babies and fishing

This past week, steven and I went to Arkansas to see our new nephew. He is completely adorable. He was 7 lbs 7oz and 21 inches long of pure cuteness. We left Wednesday and got there early Thursday morning. Thursday, we went over to my brother and sister in laws house to see Landon. Friday, we spent most of the day hanging out with Landon and other friends of stevens. Saturday, Stevens dad took steven and me fishing. I didnt catch anything however i did have fun (even though i get scared...;) lol) Sunday, steven and I went to his old church in the morning and then the church that his dad preaches at at night. Monday we spent about 45 minutes with Lil Landon and then headed home. Needless to say, it was a whirl wind of a trip but i wouldnt trade it for the world to get to meet and get to know my nephew. Once again, he was sooooo adorable.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm an AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pictures and particulars to come soon.........


Yesterday, Steven and I decided to go hiking. We drove up to Caesars head and picked three trails and set out for a fun day of leisurely hiking. We started out on the "purple" trail which was fun and easy. Next was the "blue" trail which was easy and connected to the orange trail. The orange trail was a little harder in that you had to cross over streams and dodge some things. Other than that it was really fun. Then we came to a fork in the trail where we had to chose to turn around and do the orange trail again OR do the "pink" trail. We chose the "pink" trail because the first hundred yards were level and we thought it looked easy. Looks can be deceiving. We ended up going STRAIGHT UP the mountain. No exaggeration. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. To make matters worse, the sun is going down and we have to be out of the park by 7:30. I'm freaking out and praying to Jesus for him to shorten the trail because I cant breathe and my heart is beating out of my chest.
We finally make it out of the "pink" trail and come to the "orange" trail. However, when we look on the sign to see which way we should go, there is no map....SERIOUSLY. You've got to be kidding me. By this time it is about 7:15. So we are at this fork in the trail and we just chose. We get about 200 yards down this trail and we run into these two ladies (praise God...people). We tell them that we are lost and they say "oh the exit is that just that a way" Well Duh.

Moral of the story: Dont climb the pink trail!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pictures to come

Monday, March 30, 2009


So Steven and I have been married for 8 months this coming Thursday. It has been wonderful so far. We have had a set back (me losing my job) early on in the marriage but we are learning to trust God through everything that we do. I start school in May to become a nurse. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I never thought that I would ever go back to school. I'm excited b/c I have always loved anything in the medical field. I was the one who always wanted to watch the blood and guts. It always intrigued me. I'm scared b/c: 1. I'm going back to school 2. peoples lives will be in my hands and 3. I'm going back to school (thankfully i wont have to write stupid papers). The one good thing about this though is that since I already have a bachelors degree, it wont take as long to complete.

In other life news, I'm going to be an AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Steven's brother and his wife are having a baby within the next few weeks. We are on stand by for that phone call b/c when it comes, we are headed to Arkansas.

Other than that, we pretty much have boring lives. :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

i'm going to give it a whirl

Steven and I spent the day doing nothing. He was quite the handyman in that he fixed the internet and tivo. So now we have the internet and I decided to start a blog. I'm joining the bandwagon. Who knows if i'll be frequent at it or not however i'm willing to give it a go.